Robert Burns
One of history’s most widely-known and beloved Scotsmen, the poet Robert Burns was born in the village of Alloway on the west coast of Scotland on January 25, 1759. With his silver tongue and pen, he captured the hearts of Scots people, writing poems, lyrics and songs. After his death at age 37 in 1796, his renown continued to grow. To this day Robbie Burns – sometimes Rabbie – is considered a beloved cultural icon of Scotland and a hugely important historical figure.
“Burns Night”
An institution of Scottish life: a night to celebrate the life and works of the national Bard. Celebrated on or about the Bard’s birthday, January 25th, Burns Suppers range from stentoriously formal gatherings of esthetes and scholars to uproariously informal rave-ups of beeroisseurs and ruffians. Many celebrations include a traditional Scottish meal, Scotch whisky, Burns recitations, songs – and now, Traquair House Ales.